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Forms Based On Environment

Tauros Variants in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Unique Adaptations and Capabilities

Forms Based on Environment

Tauros, a Normal-type Pokémon known for its charging attacks, has gained three distinct regional forms in the Paldea region of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. These forms reflect the varied landscapes and environments of the region.

Grass/Fighting Form - "Blades of Tauros"

In the grassy plains of Paldea, Tauros has adapted a Grass/Fighting type. Its horns resemble blades of grass, and it possesses a leafy mane. This form emphasizes close combat and powerful charge attacks.

Water/Fighting Form - "Surging Tauros"

Near the coastal areas of Paldea, Tauros has transformed into a Water/Fighting type. Its horns resemble waves, and it has developed webbed feet. This form excels in amphibious battles, charging through water with increased speed and agility.

Fire/Fighting Form - "Blaze Tauros"

In the arid deserts of Paldea, Tauros has assumed a Fire/Fighting type. Its horns resemble flames, and its body is covered in molten rock armor. This form specializes in fiery charge attacks and can withstand intense heat.
